How to Avoid Farm Machinery Hazards

Avoiding Farm Machinery Hazards
Every attempt is made by farm machinery manufacturers to ensure that their products are safe. It also helps when you and your workers do your best to avoid farm machinery hazards. Agricultural work presents many hazards even with the safety guards added to equipment for further insurance. Unfortunately, human error still remains the biggest cause for accidents and injuries on the farm. Whether it’s taking a shortcut, not paying attention, not following the safety rules, or simply ignoring warning signs, all of these are examples of human error.
We’ve compiled a list of some of the most common farm machinery hazards farmers and their workers could face:
Cutting Points and Shear Points
Cutting points occur when an object moves forcefully and is able to cut (example: sickle blade).
Shear points occur when the edges of two objects move close together and can cut soft material (example: auger).
SAFETY: Remain alert while operating machines that have cutting and shear points. Also, let others know when you are using the machines and to avoid them, as some machines can throw objects while in use. This will help you avoid farm machinery hazards.
Crush Points
Crush points occur when objects move toward one another, or one object moves toward a stationary object. Workers can be crushed in between.
SAFETY: Absolutely block equipment securely to avoid fatal crushing injuries. This will also help you avoid farm machinery hazards.
Pinch Points
Pinch points are created when two rotating objects move closely together, one moving in a circle.
Hands and feet can get caught in pinch points, or other body parts can get pulled into pinch points when loose clothing becomes entangled in the machine.
SAFETY: Wear tight-fitting clothing and never work near rotating parts or reach over them. Avoid areas that have been identified to have pinch points. This too, will help you avoid farm machinery hazards.
Wrap Points
When exposed machine parts rotate, they create wrap points. Loose clothing can get caught in the moving parts, and consequently pull workers into the machine.
SAFETY: Shield potential wrap points before beginning your work. If you cannot shield them, paint them. This will help remind you and others that they’re there. This will help you avoid farm machinery hazards.
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Also, a big part of Farm and Farm Equipment Safety is having a strong Workers Comp Policy in place..Workers’ compensation coverage pays benefits to workers injured on the job, including medical care, part of lost wages and permanent disability. It also provides death benefits to dependents of employees killed from a work-related accident. Workers’ compensation systems are different in every state, as individual statutes and court decisions have shaped the way they handle claims, evaluate impairments, settle disputes, provide benefits, and control costs.
As part of the insurance package, the injured worker’s medical, rehabilitation, and lost wages are paid for by the state or insurance carrier. If the injury leaves the employee disabled, the insurance carrier will pay the claim based on the extent of the injuries and based on its permanence. The disability will fall into one the following categories: temporary total, temporary partial, permanent partial, or permanent total disability.
Workers’ compensation rates and programs are managed by private insurers, state funds, or the National Council on Compensation Insurance (NCCI). Ferranti-Graybeal Insurance can provide more information about how Oregon handles these programs.
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For more information, we invite you to call Graybeal Group Inc. at (541) 567-5523.